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About Me

I am a twenty-something newlywed looking to add order and purpose to our new life and post-wedding home. Join me as I attempt to work my way through organizing, cooking, decorating and DIYing. I am in no way an expert, or even experienced, at any of these things but I am determined to give it all a try and hoping someone out there can read it and either be amused/comforted by my shortcomings or give me some tips for the future.
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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cucumbers: Fresh From the Garden

My green-thumbed mother recently gave us a load of cucumbers straight out of her garden.  I love love love cucumbers.  I could eat them plain all day, everyday.  This may not be so great for my stomach though, so I needed to think of a way to use them up before they get mushy.  So I went to my go-to site for recipes,, and searched for cucumber recipes.  What I got was a gaggle of recipes for cucumber salad.  Now, I like some cucumber salads, but not all cucumber salads.  I chose a recipe that I thought I could make using what I have on hand.  I started following the recipe and decided to change it up to fit our tastes.  My hubby is a pretty picky eater so I wanted to make sure he would like the final product.  Here is what I came up with and, if you ask me, it is gooood.

3 medium sized cucumbers
4 Tablespoons your favorite vinegar (I used white wine)
2 Tablespoons mayo
1 teaspoon sugar
Celery salt to taste
Parsley to taste
Garlic Salt to taste or Regular Salt if you prefer
Pepper to taste

1.  Slice cucumbers very thin.  (I used the mandolin that we got for our wedding.  Easy. Quick. Handy.)

2. In a separate bowl (use one that has a lid), whisk together vinegar, mayo and sugar.

3.  Add seasonings to taste.  This is where you make the recipe your own.  If there is an herb or spice that you love, throw it in.  Just keep tasting until you think it is delicious.  I like celery salt and Hubs lives for garlic salt so I knew I had to add these two. 

4.  Add cucumbers, put on the lid, and shake up.

5.  Refrigerate until cold (at least 2 hours).

6. Enjoy!

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